Firmware Bb Storm 95201

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Firmware Bb Storm 95201 5,5/10 6713 reviews

Dec 27, 2008 The latest unreleased firmware for the Blackberry Storm (aka le lump of poo) has leaked is now available over at CrackBerry forums. The Storm2 from Vodafone actually ships with this firmware. BlackBerry Storm2 9520 Official 5. Just in case any BlackBerry Storm 9520 users were feeling a. Version is out and available from Vodafone DE for all 9520 users. Official: BlackBerry Storm2 9520 OS This time for the Storm 2 9520.

Firmware Bb Storm 95201

Security Wipe via Blackberry:. Jika ingin aman, silahkan keluarkan SIM card terlebih dahulu. Klik menu “ BB”, lalu pilih menu/icon “Option”. Setelah itu pilih “ Security Option”, lalu pilih “ Security Wipe“. Di sana terdapat 3 pilihan, centang saja ” Emails, Contacts, etc” dan “ User Installed Applications“.


95201 Weather


Bb Storm 9520

Setelah itu ketikan kata “ blackberry” pada textboxt yang tersedia, lalu enter. Tunggu sampai proses “Wipe” selesai, biasa nya memakan waktu paling lama 15 menit. Setelah selesai Wipe, anda bisa melakuan kembali settingan blackberry sesuai keinginan anda. Seperti langkah pertama tadi, sebaik nya keluarkan SIM card dan Memory Card anda. Buka program Blackberry Desktop Manager/BDM.

Koneksikan blackberry ke komputer dengan menggunakan USB cable, tunggu hingga perangkat BB anda terkoneksi. Klik tanda “?” di sudut kanan atas, lalu pilih ” Support Resources” dan pilih lagi “ Support Tools“.

Klik tombol “ Reset” pada pilihan “ Reset Factory Settings“, setelah itu tunggu proses reset selesai. Jika proses selesai, lakukan hal yang sama seperti hal nya proses Wipe via Blackberry.

. Update from Kevin - Oops.

Kind of a dumb post here (blame Bla1ze on a lack of sleep. And me too for not catching it immediately!

I thought he meant 9500 and not 9520 and got excited for everybody! The Storm2 from Vodafone actually ships with this firmware version. This is only news / an official upgrade to people who were running earlier pre-release versions of the Storm2 from Vodafone, which would be a small handful.

No Storm 9500 users, there isn't an update for you yet. It even sounds like now before one is available to you.:( Sorry for the confusion here!!!. Just in case any BlackBerry Storm 9520 users were feeling a little left out in regards to the OS 5.0 release on Verizon. Vodafone has started pushing OS through to customers via BlackBerry Desktop Manager since yesterday and while it's only a Desktop Manager install at this time the post of the installable file has to come soon.

If you are a Vodafone customer you can grab the update now and if you're not, just sit tight till the install file shows up for download.

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