Common Zip Codes

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What would you guess is the most common job in the nation? Factory work? While all of those might seem kind of reasonable, the fact is that every area seems to have it's own jobs that are the most common, depending on terrain, social climate, and availability. Those differences fascinated us here at the Movoto Real Estate Blog, and we decided to find out where each type of job was the most popular.


Common Us Zip Codes

Most common zip codes for states

To do this, we made a colored map of the most common occupations, right down to the most common ones in every zip code. Prometheus bound pdf. How exactly did we do this?

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You can find out in the very next section. Our Methodology In order to create this map, we turned to the magic of the Internet and the U.S. Census Five Year Community Survey. Using that, we found out the percent of the population that worked in each of 13 categories.

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