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Article on the history of dog agility training. Learn about the equipment and what kind of dog and temperament is required for agility training. The Aerial Circus Training and Safety Manual has step-by-step instructions and is accompanied by over 1,000 photos to guide those interested in learning trapeze.

Author: Jayne C. Bernasconi language: en Publisher: Human Kinetics Publishers Release Date: 2008 PDF Download Aerial Dance Books For free written by Jayne C. Bernasconi and has been published by Human Kinetics Publishers this book supported file pdf, txt, epub, kindle and other format this book has been release on 2008 with Performing Arts categories. Aerial Danceis the first book to showcase this newest dance genre.

The book traces the historical roots of this latest art form, which is rapidly gaining in popularity. It also defines its place in the lineage of modern dance and addresses aesthetics, philosophical approaches to teaching, and safety issues. Aerial Dancewill be of great interest to all those associated with or attracted to this emerging art form. Whether a novice or professional, a practitioner or educator, they will learn from those who helped shape aerial dance into what it is today. Through this book and DVD package, readers will -gain insight from essays written by leading choreographers in the field; -gain a greater understanding of and appreciation for aerial dance choreography through “Look Up!” features that provide cross-references to video performance clips on the DVD; and -view high-quality photographs that illustrate the origins of aerial dance.

Download Aerial Circus Training And Safety Manual Pdf

Aerial Circus Training And Safety Manual

Part Idetails the evolution of aerial dance and its place in a postmodern world. It delves into the aesthetics of aerial dance and the differences between this genre and circus-based aerial arts. Part IIpresents a variety of essays from many of the top artists in the field who provide insight into their own approaches to aerial dance.

The book also presents a variety of teaching applications, including ideas for working with special populations and related art forms. Part IIIis all about safety, including injury prevention, rigging, other safety-related issues.

This part helps readers understand anatomical and physiological issues regarding safety. Note that Aerial Danceis not meant as an instruction book in choreographing or executing aerial dance moves. No book can ensure safe rigging or keep a dancer from falling. Those who are interested in learning and practicing aerial dance must first find a skilled and experienced teacher. The appendix includes contact information on aerial dancers, teachers, festivals, and aerial dance equipment. Readers will find great insight and direction from seasoned experts in this innovative dance form. Aerial Dancecaptures the passion of the genre and helps readers appreciate the creative possibilities it offers.

Author: Jill Franklin language: en Publisher: Release Date: 2014-10-01 PDF Download Beginners Guide To Aerial Silk Books For free written by Jill Franklin and has been published by this book supported file pdf, txt, epub, kindle and other format this book has been release on 2014-10-01 with categories. Jill Franklin's Beginners Guide to Aerial Silk provides complete easy to follow instruction for the beginning aerialist. In clear concise directions along with beautiful photos, Jill takes you on a lively tour from aerial silk fundamentals to learning how to climb, wrap, invert and spiral your body into and out of an array of positions. The book also includes an at home guide of strength building exercises that will help you excel more rapidly.

Safety, clean technique and proper form are all emphasized throughout this guide. Beginners Guide to Aerial Silk is not intended as a sole learning avenue but rather a tool to assist you when taking aerial with a qualified instructor. This guide will help you gain the strength of a cirque performer, the lovely lines of a ballet dancer and the ease of movement like a Pilates pro. For information about Aerial Physique visit Author: Jill Franklin language: en Publisher: Release Date: 2015-10-30 PDF Download Intermediate Guide To Aerial Silk Books For free written by Jill Franklin and has been published by this book supported file pdf, txt, epub, kindle and other format this book has been release on 2015-10-30 with Acrobatics categories. Jill Franklin's Intermediate Guide to Aerial Silk provides comprehensive and easy to follow instruction for the experienced aerialist.

Coupled with clear, concise, directions and technical photos, Jill takes you on a step-by-step journey of proper form and position for each maneuver. Most important, Jill's mandatory motto, 'SAFETY FIRST' is emphasized throughout this guide. Intermediate Guide to Aerial Silk is not intended as a sole learning avenue but rather, a customized tool to assist you when taking aerial instruction with a qualified instructor. This guide will help you gain the strength of a Cirque performer, the lovely lines of a Ballet dancer and fluid movement like a Pilates pro. To learn more visit: Author: Steven Santos language: en Publisher: Release Date: 2014-12-31 PDF Download Introduction To Rigging Books For free written by Steven Santos and has been published by this book supported file pdf, txt, epub, kindle and other format this book has been release on 2014-12-31 with categories. This book is designed for new aerialists that want to learn the basics of rigging circus apparatus.

Covers the basics of setting points, using pulley points, rigging fabrics, webs, straps, trapeze bars and lyras. Author: Alecia T. Devantier language: en Publisher: Infobase Publishing Release Date: 2006 PDF Download Extraordinary Jobs In Leisure Books For free written by Alecia T. Devantier and has been published by Infobase Publishing this book supported file pdf, txt, epub, kindle and other format this book has been release on 2006 with Education categories. Ever wonder who wrangles the animals during a movie shoot? What it takes to be a brewmaster? How that play-by-play announcer got his job?

Download Aerial Circus Training And Safety Manual Pdf

What it is like to be a secret shopper? Author: language: en Publisher: Release Date: 2015 PDF Download Beginner Aerial Silks Pose Guide Books For free written by and has been published by this book supported file pdf, txt, epub, kindle and other format this book has been release on 2015 with Acrobatics categories. 'This 75 page Beginner's Pose Guide to Aerial Silks covers 40+ basic poses to get you started on your aerial journey. With full color photos and detailed descriptions this guide covers warm up and conditioning exercises, three different footlocks, 25+ poses from those footlocks, wrist wraps, poses from wrist wraps, and basic inversions. This guide is a great companion for the aspiring aerialist and as always, recommended to go alongside your aerial practice with a competent aerial instructor.'

-Page 4 of cover.

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