Clock Gen Download

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Clock Gen Download 5,9/10 9625 reviews
  1. Clock Gen How To Use

Extreme Overclocking is a site and forums for overclockers on how to overclock all your PC's parts. We have current computer news, hardware and software reviews, how. ClockGen - Windows 8 Downloads - Free Windows8 Download. Once your new clocks are choosen, clock on 'Apply Selection' to make them effective.

' A set of overclocking programes' ClockGen is an app to help overclockers adjust the system clocks on their personal computer. Change speeds on the front side bus, graphic side bus, as well as other important settings. The software can be run, but doesn't need to be installed on a Windows system to get the most out of it.

Works best with nVidia-based cards which can be read more fully, whereas ATI cards have fewer available options presented to the overclocker. The app options display therefore changes according to what settings can be read and are open to manipulation within the software itself. Free hp 35s surveying programs.


Highly technical app, it will suit experienced people who have overclocked their hardware before and know what they're doing. Bear in mind that overclocking hardware can cause malfunctions or serious damage to a computer, so proceed at your own risk. ClockGen Key Features:. Overclocking management software. Settings presented vary depending on card type.

Clockgen download windows 7

nVidia cards better supported, but also access other graphic card settings like ATI. Simple app does not need to be installed to be used ClockGen is a useful little app for overclockers who like to get the most speed from their current system and hardware.

Clock Gen How To Use

Particularly good with nVidia cards.

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